I’m very excited about that Meat Wave EP, and it’s really cool that Sleater-Kinney are back. Somehow Angel Du$t have released a surprise Bigger House EP? Very fun. I’m also going to be getting heavy and moshing around the house to that Thieves EP and Ekulu record. Please join in the fun.
New Music – June 4, 2021
New music from Japanese Breakfast and Militarie Gun already make this a great week for new music.
New Music – May 28, 2021
First of all, drop what you’re doing and put that new Turnstile track on repeat. Okay, next, wow there sure is a lot of music out today.
New Music – May 21, 2021
Fiddlehead’s new record is finally out. Their previous was one of my favorites and they are continuing that fine form. Elsewhere we have some cool indie rock of different styles. Some sad sack slow stuff and some sunny summer day stuff. Let’s dig.
May 2021 Nuggets
I hope nobody is tired of music. I was worried I might be, briefly, but now I’m back. Here are your monthly nuggets!
New Music – May 14, 2021
We have clear skies today and a positive outlook on life. Unless we don’t, I’m not totally sure. Either way, there is new music to suit whichever way you feel.
New Music – May 7, 2021
This week provides us with some really interesting new music to check out. Punk covers, indie rock, craziness, and more.
New Music – April 30, 2021
Welcome. We’re just about done with April. Things are heating up, and music is releasing. Maybe we will see some of these bands playing to real humans soon. Imagine that.
April 2021 Nuggets
It’s April, which means that, uhhh, well… I’m not sure what it means. Oh! It means that here is another hot batch of musical nuggets of various types of sounds. I hope that you find something intriguing here. Send me a note if you like something you hadn’t heard before.
New Music – April 23, 2021
It’s indie rock day on the blog, apparently. Some nice, slow, foggy-day tunes and some faster, fun springtime tunes as well. Oh, plus some crushing doom and rather insane hardcore for extra flavor.